Friday, July 9, 2010

July 9th


We went on a fieldtrip with school today. First we went to the Sejong museum in Jonggak, which was quite interesting. I didn't like the amount of pictures taken tough. What's up with these people ><. They wanted group pictures, which I can understand, but why did they ALL wanted the picture to be on there camera <_<. Anyway I'm not quite fond of posing. Anyway, after that we went to 청계천 again, but it's not worth going there with a group. It gets quite boring and I was not the only one thinking that... After the riverwalk it got more interesting. We went to see 'JUMP'. "The musical JUMP is a non–verbal performance that is based on the traditional movements of taekwondo, a Korean form of martial arts."
Which was really entertaining. I liked it a lot. It was quite dramatic as well. It wouldn't be Korean if it didn't had a love story too, so that got somehow mixed in the whole scenario. It's hard to explain something like that, so if you ever have the chance to go and see it. DO SO! It's really worth it.

We went to eat Chicken 갈비, which has been the most delicious food I've eaten in Korea so far, but what I wanted to say about it was not about the food, but about the 'restaurant' itself. I think if health inspection ever went there it would have been closed down in an instant. I have never seen a place where there were 3 small gas pipes lying on the floor. You know (or maybe you don't) that in Korea there are a lot of places, where you cook your food, or they cook it in front of you, so you're basically just eating out of the pan or can add some of the side dishes to it, if you wanna get it warmed, so you need gas to heat the pan, right. At the first place I've eaten like this they used gas cans, but at this place, they just placed 3 pipes across the restaurant, with tubes coming from them at every table, so that looked quite dangerous. I guess it's not, but I didn't feel quite at ease because of it. Especially since I had tripped over it when I got in <_<.

I met the other Belgian guy who's also studying at Ewha's. I was right after all, he also studies at our Korean school in Belgium, but a lvl lower. The world can be quite small. He's name is Sonbae Song. So we finally had a more Belgian night tonight. Just going to a bar and have a drink, without eating with it. Btw from what I've heard, if you do this, just drink and don't eat with your drinks, you are considered an alcoholic...


  1. xD LOL

    you really seem to be having fun there ^O^ and yay for finding a belgian guy~!

    might sound cheesy, but i know what it feels like having someone from your own country so far away from home :)

  2. you are considered an alcoholic anyway;)
